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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Excel Family Optometry a proud provider of vision care products and services in Chino Hills.

Dr. Vu Nguyen

Hi, my name is Vu Nguyen. My first experience of getting glasses for the 1st time was quite remarkable. Being able to see and concentrate better in school without the distraction of “what’s the teacher writing on the board” gave me confidence and focus to excel in all my classes. In my junior year in high school, I decided that eye care can be a career that would be rewarding. I attended the University of CA, Riverside. During my years in undergrad, I decided that I would try to get experience in all facets of eye care. So the adventure begins, I shadow an optometrist that specialized in vision therapy and fitting of contact lenses for challenging prescriptions. I worked in a lab, generating glasses for over 2 years, gaining insight on what it takes to make a pair of glasses that can change a person’s outlook on life. It was important for me to jump in, experience the field of optometry and make sure that this was something I can see myself doing for the foreseeable future. It was in undergrad that I met the love of my life, Tracy, who had the same aspiration to also become an optometrist.

Illinois College of Optometry, in the beautiful city of Chicago! Being that I grew up in California all my life, I wanted to explore and experience something new. The education was great, but it was the patients that I had an opportunity to care for was what has stayed in my mind. It’s more than just glasses! Treating medical eye condition and seeing how the medical condition can affect one’s vision. To be able to fit someone for contact lenses that were told “you are not a contact lens candidate” for years was amazing. The genuine gratitude from these patients is priceless. After practicing for over a decade, I can say with certainty that I love being an optometrist! To have the possibility to help someone be better is what drives me. I look forward to giving the best eye care to all the patients that I encounter.

I am so blessed to have a wonderful wife in Tracy, and two beautiful kids, Chloe and Oliver. They are the joy of my life. I enjoy playing and watching basketball, listening to audiobooks, I never say no to coffee, and have a sweet tooth. One of my favorite quotes is “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work” –Aristotle.

Dr. Tracy Thi

I was born in Vietnam and grew up in California. As a little girl, I suffered from blurry vision and difficulty seeing the board at school. When I got glasses for the first time, my world has changed. School tasks were so much easier and I was able to enjoy all the beauties life has to offer. I knew that I wanted to be an eye doctor when I was very young, to help others see well and excel in all aspects of life. I graduated from UCR with a BS in biology and psychology.

I continued my education at Illinois College of Optometry and earned my doctor of optometry degree in 2006. I was trained in all areas of eye care including primary eye care, pediatric, contact lenses, ocular disease, and low vision. The love for my profession grows with me every day. The look on my patients’ faces when they put on their new glasses or contact lenses are priceless. Aside from the great education I received, my compassion, patience, good listening skills have made me a better doctor. I enjoy helping everyone to achieve their visual goals and eye health. I believe that good vision goes beyond 20/20.

I enjoy spending time with my family. I am blessed to be married to my best friend, Dr. Nguyen, and have two wonderful children, Chloe and Oliver. Chloe knew that she wanted to be an eye doctor at age 5. She said, “Mommy, I want to grow up and be an eye doctor like you because I see how much you love your job and helping others. I want to do the same.” Oliver is not sure if he wants to be a police officer or an optometrist :). It is a dream come true for us to open up Excel Family Optometry. Our focus is on helping everyone in your family see great, look great, and feel great. But most importantly, we want you to have the vision you need to excel in life. I look forward to providing the highest level of care to all my patients.